Two fun-loving nurses from the bustling streets of New York, decided to take a break from their busy lives and embark on a Hawaiian adventure. Surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of nature, Kimberly and Dylan radiated joy and laughter. Their genuine connection was evident in every frame, as they embraced the dreamy vibes...
In the ethereal beauty of the North Shore’s sunrise, Tumuria and Westle embarked on a journey that would forever unite their souls. As the golden rays painted the sky, it felt as if nature itself was paying homage to their love. They both exuded a beauty that extended far beyond their physical appearance. In the presence of these two...
Get ready to be swept away by the love story of Lara and Jeffrey as they tied the knot in the stunning Moli’i Gardens in Oahu, HI. With a backdrop of majestic mountains and sparkling waters, their wedding was a sight to behold. From the meticulously planned details to the heartfelt gestures, everything was simply beautiful...
First off, I am not one to write reviews often. This is a very much well deserved review. Firly is phenomenal. She is very dedicated and talented at what she does. When you first meet her, you will feel her genuine and naturally welcoming energy. I met Firly when she was early in the stage of her photography. I found her on Instagram when I first moved to Oahu and was searching for a photographer for my family shoots. Since then she has been my go to over the past 3 years for all types of photo shoots while living here on the island. Fast forward, she has blossomed into shining her light with others and just keeps getting better at what she does. Although I love all people, I am very particular with whom I choose to designate and keep close in my life. Firly has become one whom I call a friend-- I love that our little families have gotten close over the years too. I am honored to have such a talented photographer and sweet person I get to call friend. Thank you Firly for your patience and for your time. Most of all thank you for capturing and freezing time so beautifully with your keen eye and camera for my family and I to look back on and look forward to cherishing snap shots of our light and candid moments forever. Choose Firly, choose Grace. I'd recommend her to anyone.
Thank you for capturing and freezing time so beautifully with your keen eye and camera for my family and I to look back on and look foward to cherishing snap shots of our light and canded moments forever.
"Firly was an absolute joy! The experience and photos were an absolute dream. She captured such beautiful shots and made us feel so comfortable. We’re so lucky to have met her and have our photoshoot taken by a photographer so incredibly talented, professional and the sweetest soul! Highly recommend it if you're in Hawaii."